
We have set our sights on bringing out technologically superior, Innovative, and affordable ingredients that will revolutionise the way natural ingredients are understood and delivered. We offer the best of natural science to global communities and deliver on its promise of  ‘Quality and Affordability.’

We believe, our Water-Soluble product line will deliver our intent mentioned above.

Extract Type

While most of these products are available in Powder form, they have been developed with a specific intent to cater to growing demands for Liquid based formulations.

Black pepper WS ExtractPiper nigrumFruitPiperine by HPLCNLT 5% Very soluble
Curcumin ExtractCurcuma longaRhizomesCurcuminoids by HPLCNLT 5% Very soluble
Licorice ExtractGlycyrrhiza glabraRootGlycyrrhizinic acid by HPLC.NLT 20% Soluble
Green Coffee Bean ExtractCoffee robustaSeedsChlorogenic acids and Caffeine by HPLC NLT 45% Soluble
Garcinia WSGarcinia cambogiaFruitHydroxy citric acid (HCA) by HPLCNLT 60% Very soluble
Ashwagandha ExtractWithania somniferaRootTotal Withanolides by HPLCNLT 1.5% Soluble
Amla ExtractPhyllanthus emblicaFruitAscorbic acid by HPLCNLT 7.5% Freely soluble
Banaba ExtractLagerstroemia speciosaLeavesCorosolic Acid by HPLCNLT 1% Soluble
Beet Root ExtractBeta vulgarisRootNitrates by UV NLT 3%Soluble
Centella ExtractCentella asiaticaWhole aerial plantAsiaticosides by HPLCNLT 2.5% Soluble
Hibiscus ExtractHibiscus Rosa SinensisFlowerTotal Flavonoids by UVNLT 5%  
Tulsi ExtractOcimum sanctumLeavesTannins by TitrationNLT 10% Soluble
CaffeineCoffea robusta SeedsCaffeine by HPLCNLT 98% Soluble in hot water
MoringaMoringa oliferaLeavesSaponins by Gravimetry NLT 10% Freely soluble
Pomegranate Peel ExtractPunica GranatumSkinPunicalagin NLT 50% Soluble
TamarindTamarindus indicaFruitsAcidityNLT 10% Soluble