We bring science & innovation together
Within IVN, the R&D both shapes and delivers our corporate strategy, besides acting as one of the main pillars for our strategic intent towards Innovation. We ensure that our R&D efforts stay both aligned and connected with our customer / market needs. We classify our R&D activities as follows.
New ingredients catering to health management within our operating market segments.
- We use proven matrix based approach for market study and product identification through our qualified manpower resource.
- While a good part of our new product development activity is conducted in our facility in Bangalore, India Inhouse facility, we also collaborate with reputed institutions (Educational, Private & Public) to increase our base / domain for this specific activity.
Process optimization to retain our competitive edge.
- A substantial portion of our time and resources are invested towards process optimization. We achieve this solely through our inhouse expertise.
Use of latest and innovative technologies to prove the efficacy and safety of our ingredients.
- IVN has developed the entire range of its Water Soluble Ingredients with the use of Technology.
- IVN has been able to quantify and standardize its Ingredients for Vitamin and Mineral contents, thereby adding value to the therapeutic Category using indigenous Technology.
Matrix Based Approach
For market study & product identification.
Achieve specific activity with reputed institutions.
Process Optimization
In-house expertise invest quality time & resources to achieve this.
Innovative Technology
Adopt to latest technology to prove the efficacy & safety.