
Senna is an herb, leaves and the fruit of the plant are used to make medicine. It is an FDA-approved nonprescription laxative, used to treat constipation and also to clear the bowel before diagnostic tests such as colonoscopy.

Senna is also used for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hemorrhoids, and weight loss. Senna powder contains chemicals called sennosides, which work by stimulating colonic muscle movement, increasing the speed of the bowels. An infusion made from Senna leaves, raisins, ginger and cloves is used as purgative. Infusion of leaves is also taken daily from the fourth day after childbirth for a few days to regularize bowel movements.

Powdered Senna leaves mixed with vinegar and made into a plaster are applied locally in the treatment of certain skin diseases. Senna leaves with henna (Lawsonia inermis) is  used as a hair dye  to colour the hair black

Useful in constipation, loss of appetite, indigestion, liver complaints, abdominal troubles, splenic enlargements, dyspepsia, typhoid, jaundice, anemia, malaria, skin diseases, leprosy, poisoning symptoms foul breath, bronchitis and tumors.

senna extract plant



Helps in curing fungal skin infections, and haemorrhoids.

Used in modern medicine as laxatives.

It is used to treat constipation.

Assists in ailments like indigestion and liver disorders.


The primary active compounds in senna leaves are known as senna glycosides, or sennosides. Sennosides cannot be absorbed in your digestive tract, but they can be broken down by your gut bacteria.

Applications of Senna Extract

  • It is also used for irritable bowel syndrome, haemorrhoids and to clear your bowel before a colonoscopy.
  • For constipation in adults and children age 12 and over: the usual dose is 17.2 mg daily. Don’t take more than 34.4 mg per day. 
  • For constipation in children: 8.5 mg daily increased just enough to cause one bowel movement daily has been used. 
  • For constipation in elderly people: 17 mg daily has been used.

Safety & Toxicity

Senna leaf powder has been traditionally used for centuries and has a good safety profile.



Indovedic Nutrients Pvt Ltd is one of the top 5 suppliers of Senna Leaf Powder in India. 


Indovedic offers Senna Leaf Powder standardized to sennosides by UV.

1 MT/ Yr

At Indovedic, Senna Leaf Powder is produced at a production capacity of 8 MT/Year.


In India, Senna is grown in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu (mainly in the districts of Tirunelveli, Madurai, Tiruchirappalli), and Karnataka (Mysuru).

The crop can thrive on a variety of soils, but is largely grown on red loams, or in alluvial loams. The texture of the soil which accounts for the major hectarage under the senna crop varies from sandy loam to loam, while the black cotton soils are heavier and more fertile.

The average pH ranges from 7 to 8.5.

Generally, the first sowing of the Senna crop is advised from February to March, second crop sowing is advised from September to October.

The first harvest of leaves and pods are done at 2 months after sowing and subsequent harvests at 30 days interval.


Senna Leaf Powder is a dietary supplement. Not to be used as a drug item. 

Data has been taken from the public domain. IndoVedic does not claim this data to be accurate.